
How To Describe Yourself For Housing Examples

Finding a roommate can possibly exist one of the near stressful things y'all do prior to attention college. Luckily, there is a manner to make this process run smoother. Schools App, a Facebook application that connects admitted students of the same IU graduating form, allows users to create bios. Roommate bios are a very user-friendly mode to express yourself in one paragraph and to go out a showtime impression on your readers. With this data, the reader volition decide whether they desire to get to know you more in pursuit of a potential roommate. Since this bio affects an important conclusion, don't you want it to be as polished and personal as possible? Here are some tips to make your roommate bio one of the all-time out there.

gif of Kermit typing

  1. The Intro

Most people start out their bio with their intended major and hometown. While this data is great to know, it's already listed in your profile. Saying information technology a second time isn't necessary because it will only have upwards more space. A friendly introduction is good, such as "How-do-you-do, I'm ___" or "Hey there, my name is ___". Then, lead with something unique! Perhaps list two or 3 hobbies, random fun facts, or what you're most excited for in coming to IU.

Gif: Are you talking about me?

  1. About Me

Here's your time to shine! Talk about what y'all like to practise for fun, how y'all relax, unique qualities you have, facts that make you memorable, or quirky lifestyle habits you may have in common with others. Practice you play sports, or want to participate in extracurricular athletics in college? Are you lot messy or organized? Are you an early bird or a night owl? What kind of food do you enjoy? Are you agile in whatsoever religion? Are yous extroverted or introverted? Think well-nigh what you would first want to know about your future roommate, then respond those questions for yourself.

Gif: The Office

  1. Roommate Wanted

Adjacent, y'all should address certain things you lot're looking for in a potential roommate. What qualities or characteristics do you think a roommate should take? Do y'all want to have similar interests? Are you planning to spend a lot of free time with them? Are you looking for a gym buddy or someone with the same major? Practice you intend to spotter IU basketball games or Netflix in the room with each other? Do y'all mind if they bring their friends over to your room? Think almost necessity versus preference, then write those down. Hither are some examples: "I desire a roommate who wants to go to sporting events with me" or "I value respecting each other'due south personal belongings and space".

  1. What Non to write

As a moderator for the Schools App, I've seen plenty of roommate bios. Well-nigh of them get something like this:

"Hi, I'm ___ from ___, and I program to major in ___, just that may alter! I'm pretty certain I'm committed to IU, so I want to detect a roommate. I'k a pretty chill person. I love to have fun and go out but I as well take school seriously. I'm looking for someone who will go get food with me or someone I can become workout with. I really want to exist good friends with my roommate. Hmu if y'all want to know more well-nigh me or if yous only desire to be friends!"

Gif: You don't have to do this

Here's the thing: this tells me almost zip about you, except that you lot might be missing a couple of your 8 a.m.'southward considering you'll be coming dorsum to the dorm super late on a school night. Another thing: nigh everybody loves food, and anybody needs to eat. Chances are y'all and your roommate volition be getting food together at some betoken. Every bit for the gym comment; if you actually want to make a consistent effort to work out, and then you demand to prioritize that in your bio. That fashion, you will find someone who will keep you answerable for going.

A roommate bio needs to give the reader data nigh you! After all, you're looking for someone to live with for nine months. Answering some of the questions listed above will give you a good offset.


  1. Reach Out!

Another thing incoming students on Schools App tend to exercise is post "Looking for a roommate, bank check out my bio and hmu if you want to talk." If each person is expecting anybody else to accomplish out to them, information technology's going to lead to pretty arid chat. Accept the initiative! Look through other people's bios and contact them. Don't expect everyone to come to you lot.

Finding a roommate tin prove challenging, so make the process easier on yourself by following these simple steps in creating a unique bio.


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