
How To Use Big Green Egg

You've heard the rave reviews and finally broke down and purchased a Big Green Egg. Your local HOMEFIELD showroom delivered and installed your new grill, and you're ready to fire it upward. So, where to begin?… Here are a few tips from the EGG-heads at Large Dark-green Egg for using your Big Green Egg grill for the very outset time.

Start Off Low

Like a cast-iron skillet that needs to be seasoned properly before use, the gasket adhesive of your Big Green Egg needs to fully cure and attach to the Egg. For your first few uses of the Large Dark-green Egg, plan on grilling items that cook low and dull. Starting off at besides loftier of a temperature can damage the gasket earlier it can properly seal itself, so keep in under 350-degrees to beginning.

Skip the Harsh Chemicals

Large Green Egg grills are made from high-tech ceramics that were originally developed past NASA. These ceramics are porous and can absorb the petrochemicals found in lighter fluid and charcoal briquettes. Not only can these chemicals corrupt the flavor of your food, simply they can also damage your grill and may void your warranty.

Use Lump Charcoal

Big Green Egg offers organic lump charcoal made from a selection of 100% premium carbonized American oak and hickory. It contains no fillers, nitrates, chemicals, anthracite coal, limestone, treated wood or petroleum products. This material lights hands, burns cleanly, burns hotter and lasts for ages. Plus, Big Light-green Egg charcoal gives off less ash and can be reused many times before you need to pinnacle off your dress-down. Fill up your Egg with charcoal level to the elevation of the burn box.

Calorie-free Information technology Up

Big Greenish Egg charcoal can usually exist lit and ready to grill in less than ten minutes. You can use a natural charcoal starter or an electrical starter like the Looftlighter. Electric starters tin can be plugged into a nearby outlet and rested against the dress-down. Superheated air flows over the coals, communicable them aflame in minutes.

Avoid Dorsum Drafts

The design of the Large Greenish Egg allows heat to circulate like a convection oven. And but like you you may feel a smash of heat when opening an oven door, the Large Greenish Egg grill can requite off an intense heat when opened. That's why we recommend "burping" your Egg. Raise the lid an inch or two before raising the dome completely. This will allow the sudden blitz of oxygen to burn down safely inside the Egg without causing dangerous back drafts and flare ups.

Close It Up

Once your dish is complete and you're ready to extinguish the flame, but close off the meridian and bottom vent openings and the burn will burn itself out from a lack of oxygen.  Once your egg has cooled use your ash tool to rake the dress-down over the cast iron fire grate to knock off backlog ash. Shovel the ash out of the Egg and add any additional charcoal you may need for side by side time.

Happy grilling!

Organic Charcoal from Big Green Egg

How To Use Big Green Egg,


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