
Acronym For Planets In Order

Need an easy way to remember the order of the planets in our Solar System? The technique used near frequently to remember such a list is a mnemonic device. This uses the first letter of each planet equally the first letter of each word in a sentence. Supposedly, experts say, the sillier the sentence, the easier information technology is to recollect.

So by using the start letters of the planets, (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), create a silly merely memorable sentence.

Here are a few examples:

  • My Very Excellent Mother Merely Served U.s. Noodles (or Nachos)
  • Mercury's Volcanoes Erupt Mulberry Jam Sandwiches Until Apex
  • Very Elderly Men But Snooze Nether Newspapers
  • My Very Efficient Memory Just Summed Up 9
  • My Very Easy Method Simply Speeds Upwards Names
  • My Very Expensive Malamute Jumped Ship Up North
    Sun and Planets
    The Dominicus and planets to scale. Credit: Analogy by Judy Schmidt, texture maps by Björn Jónsson

    If you want to remember the planets in order of size, (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus Mars, Mercury) yous can create a different sentence:

  • Just Sit Up Now Each Mon Morn
  • Jack Sailed Under Neath Every Metal Mooring

    Rhymes are also a popular technique, admitting they require memorizing more words. But if you're a poet (and don't know information technology) try this:

    Astonishing Mercury is closest to the Sun,
    Hot, hot Venus is the second one,
    Earth comes third: information technology'southward not too hot,
    Freezing Mars awaits an astronaut,
    Jupiter is bigger than all the rest,
    6th comes Saturn, its rings look best,
    Uranus sideways falls and along with Neptune, they are big gas balls.

    Or songs tin piece of work too. Hither are a couple of videos that use songs to think the planets:

    If sentences, rhymes or songs don't work for you, perchance yous are more of a visual learner, as some people retrieve visual cues better than words. Effort drawing a motion picture of the planets in club. You don't take to exist an accomplished artist to practise this; you can simply draw different circles for each planet and label each 1. Sometimes color-coding tin help aid your memory. For case, use red for Mars and blue for Neptune. Whatever y'all decide, try to selection colors that are radically different to avert confusing them.

    Or try using Solar System flash cards or merely pictures of the planets printed on a page (here are some great pictures of the planets). This works well because not only are you lot recalling the names of the planets but also what they wait like. Retentiveness experts say the more than senses you involve in learning or storing something, the better y'all will be at recalling it.

    Planets made from paper lanterns. Credit:
    Planets made from paper lanterns. Credit:

    Peradventure you are a hands-on learner. If so, endeavour building a iii-dimensional model of the Solar System. Kids, enquire your parents or guardians to assist you with this, or parents/guardians, this is a fun projection to practise with your children. You can buy inexpensive Styrofoam balls at your local craft store to create your model, or use paper lanterns and decorate them. Here are several ideas from Pinterest on building a iii-D Solar System Model.

    If you lot are looking for a group project to assistance a grade of children larn the planets, have a contest to see who comes upwardly with the silliest sentence to remember the planets. Additionally, you can have 8 children act as the planets while the rest of the course tries to line them up in order. You can discover more ideas on NASA'due south resource for Educators. You lot tin use these tricks as a starting point and find more ways of remembering the planets that work for yous.

    If you are looking for more data on the planets check out Universe Today's Guide to the Planets section, or our commodity almost the Order of the Planets, or this information from NASA on the planets and a tour of the planets.

    Universe Today has numerous articles on the planets including the planets and list of the planets.

    Astronomy Cast has an entire series of episodes on the planets. You can go started with Mercury.

Acronym For Planets In Order,


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