
Difference Between Bulimia And Anorexia

What Is The Difference Between Anorexia And Bulimia? States The Expert

Nosotros are living in a globe where staying fit is being linked to having a certain kind of body shape and weight. Where the actual meaning of fitness is being strong and healthy, people have been starving themselves in the name of diet civilization. Although exercising and having an agile lifestyle helps y'all to atomic number 82 a proficient and good for you life, too much skillful can be harmful as well. In a desire to get a size zero figure or edifice muscles people appoint themselves in excessive practice which has its own downsides. Here we are going to discuss ii common eating disorders Anorexia and Bulimia and endeavour to sympathise what they actually are, their causes, symptoms and treatment options available to treat these disorders with Dr. Kamna Chhibber, Head, Department of Mental Wellness and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare

What is Anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa or anorexia tin can simply be understood equally an eating disorder with fatal consequences. A person suffering from anorexia consumes a restricted nutrition due to which a person becomes malnourished and dangerously thin which eventually results in starvation. Not merely this but even afterward consuming such a restricted diet these people consider themselves to be overweight.

Anorexia is a disorder that makes people so undernourished that in many cases they might crave hospitalization and medical care. It ordinarily develops during puberty and majorly women are the ones to get affected by this disorder.

To put it in an even simpler way, a person suffering from anorexia has a very restricted food intake with an intense fear of gaining weight.


Image Credits- Apollo Hospitals

This disorder makes a person and so obsessed nigh food and weight that they develop peculiar eating habits. These peculiar eating habits tin be something like non eating in front of others, refusing to consume certain kinds of food items, arranging nutrient on the plate in a sure manner, etc. Here's what Dr. Kamna has to say near this disorder "In anorexia nervosa there is a refusal of an individual to maintain torso weight at a certain level that is considered to exist appropriate on normal for the individual's age and height. These people end upwardly getting into a constrict consumption of nutrient and go restricted in their dietary habits. Sometimes these people likewise end up engaging themselves in excessive exercising in order to lose weight."

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Causes of Anorexia

Although the exact cause of anorexia still remains unknown and certainly hidden from the world. The condition sometimes runs in the family and a person is likely to be affected by the disorder if someone in the family has been affected with the same.

Autonomously from this in that location are various environmental, psychological and social factors that might contribute to the development of this disorder. These people believe that their life would become better if they lose weight. Hither are some causes of anorexia as explained by Dr. Kamna-

  • Neurotransmitter imbalances
  • Meaning biological component associated with it
  • Difficulty related to an individual'south perception of their trunk
  • Negative experiences in by related to torso weight
  • Self esteem and self worth related issues
  • Relationship related challenges
  • Body epitome

Symptoms of Anorexia


Image credits- Cary Gastroentology Clan

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Where starvation is not the merely symptom that this eating disorder shows, Anorexia is a diseases that can be detected by the following signs and symptoms-

  • Restricted dietary addiction
  • Fear of gaining weight
  • Dehydration
  • Constipation
  • Hair Fall
  • Dizziness
  • Missing on periods
  • Swollen legs or arms

What is Bulimia

Binge watching your favourite prove is nevertheless fine merely binge eating on your favourite snack can come up with some serious consequences. Accept yous ever idea that after a whole night of binge watching a horror TV series yous could merely have out all the things from your mind because now you are as well scared and unable to sleep? Well some people experience this fashion for the food they eat.

Bulimia is an eating disorder where a person rampage eats so purges it out by inducing airsickness.


Image Credits- Dr Albert Toubia

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This eating disorder can be characterized by binging and purging where a person engages himself/herself into overeating and then deliberately vomits

Here's what Dr. Kamna has to say nearly this disorder "In bulimia the private will appear to exist very normal in terms of weight, shape and size. Although these people seem to be appropriate in the terms of body shape and weight, what they finish up doing is, they have binge episodes where they consume excessive foods and a lot of times this can exist followed by purging. There is a disorder in eating patterns where an private consumes large amounts of food due to overeating. These people take a feeling of shame, guilt  and secrecy about their behaviour and they appoint in self induced airsickness or intermittent starvation.

Causes of Bulimia

Dr. Kamna explains that it is not possible to determine that even subsequently going through the aforementioned things which person is going to become affected by anorexia and who volition get bulimia. If we would be able to put determinants and then we would be able to preclude everything from happening. We don't know how an private will respond to a situation. Hence the causes for both the diseases are pretty similar to each other only the outcomes are different. The causes of bulimia can be understood equally-

  • Neurotransmitter imbalances
  • Pregnant biological component associated with it
  • Difficulty related to an individual's perception of their trunk
  • Negative experiences in by related to body weight
  • Cocky esteem and self worth related issues
  • Relationship related challenges
  • Body prototype

Symptoms of Bulimia


Image Credits- MedIndia

As now you lot know all about bulimia and its causes and the means in which information technology is different from Anorexia, let u.s. take a quick look at some of the symptoms of this eating disorder.

  • Normal in terms of weight and torso shape
  • Episodes of consuming excessive food
  • Big amount of food consumption
  • Induced Vomiting
  • Intermittent starvation
  • Guilt and secrecy

Treatment options available

Equally both these disorders are extremely dangerous and tin can have adverse furnishings on a person's health, here are some of the handling o[tions which can be used to treat them as suggested by Dr. Kamna Chhibber

  • Combination of medication and psychotherapy
  • A lot of psychotherapies are washed to help the patient
  • The specialist works upon a patient'due south self esteem and self image related issues
  • Psychotherapy is washed to manage the patient's behavior.
  • A combination of therapies such equally psychoanalytic therapy and dialectical therapy is performed.

With inputs from Dr. Kamna Chhibber, Caput, Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Fortis Healthcare.

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Difference Between Bulimia And Anorexia,


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